Paper Pop-ups!

Building paper pop ups can be a very fun thing to do, and what's more, you'll never have to worry about making a card anymore!

The above is a simple demonstration of the kind of thing you can make with paper pop-ups. For myself, I have always been very intrigued since young by this art. To open a book, and find a magnificent castle standing and waiting for me to gawk at it was quite a magical experience. It's really limited to your own imagination, because I soon devised methods of making curves, depressions, bumps - nothing seemed impossible to make, with sufficient time. Of course, now that I grew up, Time seems to be rather elusive, so I never really managed to create the castles I had planned to (I actually created a blueprint for a pop-up Minas Tirith).

But still, the child in me never ceases to be completely enchanted whenever I come across another paper pop-up. I think that it's a beautiful type of art, and one that is very accessible to everyone. So try it! I would really love to see what pieces of art you manage to come up with, so do comment when you've created one!

What You Need:
- Time (or the commitment to stick to a schedule)
- Childlike Wonderment (it's always always a great asset to have)
- Paper (you won't get everything right the first time! Don't use expensive and fine quality paper right from the start)

- For beginners: Rober Sabuda's guides
- To learn more about this paper pop ups in general:
- This video demonstrates how easy it is to pick up the basic skills:


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