Get Ready For WING CHUN!

Ip Man is coming to town. So start brushing up on your Wing Chun skillz!

Yes, it seems to have some really kickass fighting scenes doesn't it? Especially when he pummels the guy - bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam - in the blink of an eye, woah the bad guy got owned like a machine gun against a pinata. But what is this wicked sick fighting style that promotes the drummer-esque punching moves? Enter Wing Chun

Thing about Wing Chun is that it is a very real fighting style: it focuses on practical, efficient, effective moves, calculating all the time the best way to utterly decimate the enemy. "Aggresive close-range combat", as Wikipedia puts it (how very euphemistic isn't it?!).

So, if you have the time, go find a place to learn this martial art! It is spectacular to watch, and still very useful in real life.

What You Need:
- A lot of time (if you're reading this you probably do)
- A Shifu (preferably not a red panda)
- Tickets to Ip Man (to get all inspired, of course!)
- An enemy (to get even more motivation)

- Wikipedia! (We all love it don't we?)
- A blurb on Ip Man (cos it kick ass literally and otherwise)
- A wikipedia entry on Kungfu Panda (in case you didn't catch the reference)

- And they actually have a magazine!

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