Create a new BLOG

Start a new blog.

You probably already have a blog, say, concerning your personal life. Why not think about starting a new blog? Teemu Lantta from has detailed a few rather interesting and (as of present) unused blogging topics. Like this:

Perhaps they could simply serve as inspiration. In any case, I certainly do look forward to reading your new blogs. A few ideas I would like to see materialize are:

1) "An account of the *Insert Interesting Job Here*" (Or just "Interesting Jobs") When we were but innocent children, didn't we always dream of being an astronaut? Or a video game beta tester? Or perhaps a specialized movie extra, with our names gloriously screened all around the world during the credits, next to the tag "Passerby 1"? Perhaps we may not have achieved these lofty ambitions, but it sure would be fun to hear what it actually is like! Invite guest writers from all walks of life, conduct interviews, have fun!

2) Sleek Stuff Many blogs promise to post findings on "cool" things, but most of the time, the writers are unclear about their definition of "cool". Sure, cool can really be used to describe that Funkily Weird Pink Fuzzy Rabbit Action Figure. But I've yet to see a site that is really dedicated to rolling out posts on the sleekest concept cars, phones, planes, guns.. and thing is, this would really be cool. So try to find writing material, dig hard, maybe you 
could hit gold!

3) Flash Games Review Yes I do realize that many sites already exist that review Flash Games. But none of them have reached the level of polish or professionalism that sites like IGN or GameSpot have. And why?

As we can see from this extremely reliable source (, what else?), flash games do have a lot of appeal to them. A well run and well publicised site can definitely thrive on advertising revenue!

4) Wikihop! As far as I know, there aren't any active blogs/sites about wikihopping. This game isn't very well known, but you can certainly establish a niche. I've only recently discovered it myself, and it is documented in this post: Wikihop! Boing Boing Boing.

What You Need:
- Imagination
- Creativity
- Humor (so people actually want to read the stuff you write)
- Sarcasm, meanness and evilness (somebody has to review the bad games, flame the nasty commenters, etc. too)

Resources: - The site that inspired this post!
- Google - To find stuff to write about. And more resources because i'm lazy.

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