
You could, of course, spend a good period of time clicking on the "CLICK HERE TO SEE ANOTHER RANDOM THING TO DO" button at RandomThingsToDo.com

These can range from the inane:

To ones i'm actually rather tempted to try, myself:

To ones that are utterly random and lame and cringeworthy and just plain stupid:

Yeah, but shift through the dirt, and you may find diamonds in this silly silly website. It does have a disclaimer, after all, that it is for "when you're really really bored" (too few "really"s in my opinion).

What you need:
- A mouse that doesn't hate you (yet)
- A finger to click
- Giggliness (so you'll actually laugh)
- Tolerance for lousy jokes

- The site itself: http://www.randomthingstodo.com/ (you really couldn't figure that out could you?)
- Really, what else might you possibly need?

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