Around the World in 80 Days

Create a scrapbook to detail the places you've always wanted to visit. Bali, the Himalayas, Chile, whatever! Throw in photos, thoughts, brochures, and exclamations as much as possible, to personalize this guide of yours.

"Think pristine white, think ice mountains and deserts of snow. Explorers who conquered Antarctica simply called it The Ice. You can follow in their tracks, forge through the pack-ice, visit research stations in remote islands and see penguins, seals and even whales on an epic voyage this November." (link posted under "Resources")

For one, it would be a really wonderful motivator, wouldn't it? At least you know what you're working towards! And anyway the scrapbook will become a really interesting read, very much like a journal in fact, since it's all about you and your dreams!

A quickly done diagram of a itenary I might take when I've earned enough money(: Of course, it's nowhere near "comprehensive", but as I scroll through the map, I realized there were so many things I wanted to do. The process went something like this:

Me: "Oooh. Munich! I like Munich" *click*

"Oh WOW ZURICH! I forgot about Zurich, but it's right here on the map" *click*

"Mm? What's this city here? OH CASABLANCA! Like the Humphrey Boggart movie" *click*

You get this idea! So let yourself dream, and motivate yourself with your personal holiday planner!

What You Need:
- Dreams! Let loose the child in you, be curious, be excited!
- A book (you can always make one yourself, here's a nice guide)
- Scissors, glue, tape, pen, pencil (To create the content, of course)

- StaTravel: (a pretty basic place to start drawing lines crisscrossing the world!)
- Guardian's recommended 20 dream holidays: (it's well written, and sure to induce much dreaming!)


  1. You know what? You've hit jackpot with a niche! KEEP WRITING!! Your blog's pretty entertaining!

  2. Another idea I like - I just might trying this one when I need a break from things I do every day...
