You've heard of Zen Gardens. The swirls, oh the swirls, somehow mesmerize you, and time loses its meaning. You are one with the world, at supreme peace with all and everything. Now, you can try your hand at creating one.

Method Number One: The virtual garden! Created by, this is perfect for those weary, dreamy nights. My advice, go slow. Go really slow, and don't ever ever overplan. Let the lines come out spontaneously.

Another variation of the virtual garden is for the workaholics, who probably need it even more than the rest of us do. There is a project on SourceForge for a java based Zen Garden, which means you'd be able to take it around on your mobile!

Method Number Two: Really create a Zen Garden, albeit in smaller scale!
The Little Zen Garden is a perfect, perfect guide to creating an awfully cute, compact Zen Garden.

So get to it, and do leave comments on how your meditation endeavours go!


  1. Good thing to keep one occupied for awhile! I wished I had a backyard or something!

  2. That's a close second to actually having one, but the real thing really is the best. It's been so long since I've played with a rock garden.
