what if? 001

new category of posts: what ifs! for whimsical, truly nonsensical wistings that wouldn't fit anywhere.

what if the sun    was actually just a big orange?

oh no):


  1. Instead of solar flares... we would get citric acid in our eyes?

  2. If the sun was just a big orange I think that a lot of astronomers would have a lot of explaining to do! :o)

  3. and whose orange is it? that's the most important thing to figured out.

    I mean, you we need to warn "it" that Earth lies not so far away from the "sun" and "it" need to be careful not to step on us accidentally *LOL*

  4. hahahaha! i never do get why people love just jumping onto oranges and squishing them. reminds me of the classic joke:

    q: why did the elephant step on the orange in front of the synagogue?

    a: he wanted to see the juice (jews) come out!

  5. I suppose it would be okay as long as the moon was made of cheese, too.
