This Product May or May Not Contain Nuts

This is something, and this is certainly random, so I guess it'll fit into this blog(:

The idea just popped into my mind, and for regular readers, be prepared for a new category of entries: comics! Whenever I so feel like it, of course, because it's random, remember?

*click image for full scale*


  1. hahaha...that was great! i love comics.

  2. erm, WTF! lol. damn red guy. post more!

  3. That is funny and I love the minimilistish way your characters are created.

  4. minimilistish? HAHAHA to be honest, i's only because I can't draw!(:

  5. Talented and humble comic-artist! Funny how webmasters and webmistresses shudder when they think of a list of FAQ for their sites/'s so true!

  6. webmistresses tehee. Haha are you really going to do an FAQ? i gave up on the idea after generating a (far too) massive list of stupid questions. It's depressing trying to answer them!
