Speak Deutglish! (Or Frenglish, or Spanglish)

Are you tired of not being taken seriously at work? Do people treat you like just another employee? If so, what you need is a little thing we term ze "Foreign Talent Wow!" (FTW!)

Want to be seen as an Engineering Extraordinaire? Try speaking like them:

There're plenty of accents for all purposes, plenty of guides on how to master these accents, and that's plenty of reason for me to keep this post short. I'll post some links to the more common accents below:

German (for the Philosophy Protegy, the Physics Pro...)
French (for the Coy Coquette, the Sexy Siren...)
Irish (cos it sounds cool)
Russian (for enigmatic physicist in you)
British (just so.)

A good summary article is also available on Wikipedia: here.

What You Need:
- Shamelessness (Oh don't worry, nobody gets it perfect the first time. Be prepared to be laughed at)

- YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/ (This is incredible useful! Search)
- Wikipedia - The Foreign Accent Syndrome: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_accent_syndrome (It's a medical condition *gasp*)
- Wikipedia - Non-native pronunciation of English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-native_pronunciations_of_English (a good summary)

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