Submit Things to Us!

One very nice thing that you can do is to help us! Thinking of things to do to pass time is a good way to pass time itself, but by which time you would have already passed the "time", so donate your no-longer-useful ideas to us! (read that again slowly if you want to)

Anything and everything would be really appreciated - it is, after all, a "RANDOM things to do" blog! So don't feel shy, and please please donate whatever crazy idea you have in your head! Wouldn't it be nice if people actually tried out these ideas anyway? It would be funny, at least.

Some quick guidelines:

1) Please write in English. Je understand other Sprachen nicht, so please note this point. Arigato!
2) Feel free to promote your own site, if it relates to the topic. It would be useful for me too, so I have one more site to put under "resources".
3) Pictures are really welcome(: show the world how you do *insert name of the random thing*

What You Need:
- Niceness (because you're helping me)
- Nothing else!

- (to get you into the helping mood. I was planning to put this as a joke, but reading through the posts, I found it quite inspiring frankly speaking.)

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